Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Blind

Sup Guys!  You all may know me from my Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece blogs.

This blog however, is a bit different from the other ones.  Rather than writing about the Naruto anime in general, I will begin to write about individual characters.  These blogs will serve the purpose of narrowing down the topics so that I don't end up all over the place, which in turn will allow me to effectively write better articles.

Also, bear in mind that I won't be doing this for EVERY character in the show and for every anime, either.  I will be doing this based on the characters who are too cool to have their spotlight taken up by other characters, and thus they have their own blog!

Another reason I am doing this is because I want to expand my online anime empire and become the undisputed king of Blogger....  Okay, well maybe just the king of anime on Blogger ;-D

Anyway, as I usually say, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride my beautiful friend.  I just recently started these blogs and I am creating new ones everyday.  I plan on writing 100 of these blogs from various anime and video games.  Of course, I will need all the help I can get, so if you want to become an author or contributor let me know in the comments.  Be sure to leave your email address, or some way for me to contact you.

Well, that's it for now.  As I said, these blogs were only just released this week so, I will be updating the blogs more frequently on weekly basis in the coming months.

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